at barınağı

Stable shelters are generally prepared for horses. These shelters must have some features to meet their needs such as rest, nutrition and safety. On the other hand, there are some situations that need to be considered in the stables in order to ensure that the health checks of the horses are carried out without any problems and hygiene conditions are created.

Horses that can normally be housed in open areas are free to roam in the wild. These horses, which can easily meet all their needs, mostly live in forested and mountainous areas. They also adapt to nature due to their characteristic features.

As a result, it is essential that the stables or other housing areas of horses are clean. In a clean and sufficiently ventilated barn, horses will live a healthy and happy life. At the same time, sufficient food and drinking water sources should also be available in the barn in accordance with hygiene conditions.

Where do horses live?

More than one answer can be given regarding where horses are sheltered, which is one of the questions that horse owners are curious about. First of all, horse shelters should be prepared according to the necessary conditions. Since the welfare of horses living in stables is important, it is important to provide conditions such as both cleaning and ventilation. Horses that need to live in a spacious and clean environment also need exercise during the day. Therefore, regular cleaning and maintenance of the stables is extremely important. As a result, a safe, hygienic, ventilated and spacious environment should be prepared to meet all the needs of horses.

What is a horse shelter called?

In the shortest definition, horse shelter is called a stable. The most suitable stables for horses are the areas that have features that can meet all their needs. The size of these shelters should be determined according to the number of horses. Horse owners who need to take the necessary precautions in order for horses to survive safely should mostly comply with hygiene and cleanliness conditions.

It is also essential to have a good ventilation system so that horses are not affected by adverse weather conditions. In addition to horse shelters, a safe environment that allows them to move in the open should also be created. Of course, thanks to open spaces, horses exhibit their natural behaviors more easily and are happier. Depending on the preferences of horse owners, an area not far from the barn can be used as an outdoor exercise area.

How Should a Horse Shelter Be?

While preparing the most suitable housing area for horses ensures that they live happy and healthy lives, it is also a matter of curiosity how the ideal environment should be. First of all, keeping the barn tidy and clean directly affects their health. Adequate amounts of clean drinking water are also among the factors that should be in the stables. It is also important to provide nutrients such as hay and feed in a clean and organized manner. In terms of security, it should be ensured that the barn has a solid structure. It should not be forgotten that a large environment should be prepared where horses, which should not be adversely affected by weather conditions, can travel comfortably in terms of socialization.

An ideal barn should have these features we have listed. In addition to these, it is recommended to have a care area to meet the health and care needs of the horses. This area can also be prepared as a veterinary room. While it is so important to meet the necessary needs of horses, it should be recognized that they also have some housing needs. Regular exercise, clean space, clean drinking water and proper nutrition should be provided for horses.

It is also recommended to prepare an open area outside the stables. Because horses need open spaces to exhibit their natural behavior. This also applies to exercises. Open spaces will provide freedom of movement while supporting the physical health of horses. It is actually important in every respect that horses moving in the natural area spend time outside the barn.


In addition to these features, the horse shelter should be equipped with a number of systems. Many advantages can be achieved thanks to the ventilation application known as the helicopter fan system. If we look at the general advantages of these fans for barns;

  • Reduces heat stress in the barn.
  • The wind generated by the fan increases the amount of fresh air in the shelter.
  • It can be used together with showering systems to control the temperature.
  • The barn floor is dried in a very short time.
  • It consumes less electricity than other ventilation systems.

These systems have a longer service life with bearing application. Helicopter fans, which provide extra safety as they are supported by special safety ropes, offer maximum ventilation with low energy. Other features and explanations of this application are as follows;

  • Ventilation area: In a barn designed with a helicopter fan, the effective area varies depending on the fan diameter. In order to provide effective air distribution, there is usually an effective area between 15-20 meters.
  • Fast drying: Helicopter fans support the drying of floors in a very short time. Hygiene conditions are also ensured.
  • Application areas: These fans have more than one application area. These systems, which can be easily used in winter and summer, can be preferred in goat, sheep, livestock and milking cow barns.
  • Energy: Helicopter type fans consume low electricity. In this way, it offers more economical solutions.
  • Circulation: These fans, which can circulate the air, direct the air towards the animals. This increases the amount of air per unit area. As a result, humidity and temperature control is also ensured.

What is a Temporary Animal Shelter?

Temporary animal shelters are facilities for animals abandoned by their owners, lost or living on the streets. Provided by private organizations or the state, these areas offer temporary care and shelter to animals. Temporary animal shelters, which have an important place in terms of rehabilitating animals without any problems, are usually established by animal lovers and animal rights defenders.

The main function of these shelters is to provide a safe and secure environment for animals until they find a new home or are taken back by their owners. There are some services that such shelters offer. Services such as vaccination, health checks and treatment of animals are to provide rehabilitation.

In our country, temporary animal shelters are established by private organizations and mostly by municipalities. In the shelters established by the municipality operated with public resources, procedures such as sterilization, adoption and treatment of stray animals are carried out. Under the 5199 numbered 'Animal Protection Law', temporary animal shelters must be prepared in accordance with all standards.


Temporary animal shelters include infectious treatment units, cat or dog treatment units, poultry treatment units. In addition to these, there are also guest waiting rooms, staff rooms, animal free roaming areas, animal soup kitchen and operating rooms. The treatment stages of animals in need of care or abandoned animals are carried out by specialized veterinarians. In addition, the care and vaccination processes of stray animals are among the services offered.

People who want to adopt a dog or cat from temporary care homes can fill out an 'unclaimed animal adoption form' and adopt with the approval of the responsible physician. To get more information about this process, it is enough to contact the temporary animal shelters. The same process applies to animals in other categories.

It can be said that these shelters can actually face some difficulties. They are subject to a lot of criticism due to factors such as inadequate equipment, the attitudes of animal lovers and workload.
