helikopter fan faydaları (1)

The helicopter fan is an air circulation device, named after its unique design, designed to provide effective cooling and airflow, especially in large and open spaces. Thanks to their powerful motors and large propellers, these fans are manufactured to meet the need for high air circulation in various areas such as animal shelters, greenhouses and workshops.

Helicopter fans are named after their resemblance to helicopter blades and are designed to maximize airflow even in large spaces. Helicopter fans, which stand out with their effective cooling and air circulation features, are frequently preferred to increase productivity and improve air quality in environments where animals are present.

Why do you need a helicopter fan?

The main reason for the need for helicopter fans is the necessity to provide adequate airflow and cooling in large and difficult to ventilate areas. Especially in environments with high temperatures and humidity, such as animal shelters, large industrial plants or greenhouses, air quality and temperature levels need to be maintained at optimal levels. In such environments, where conventional ventilation systems are inadequate or uneconomical, helicopter fans offer an ideal solution.

Thanks to their large impellers, helicopter fans can move hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of air volume per minute, making them extremely effective not only for cooling purposes, but also for dispersing and controlling harmful particles and gases in the air. This high capacity air circulation meets a wide range of needs, such as protecting the health of living beings, improving product quality and making working environments more comfortable.

When does a helicopter fan affect animal productivity?

The use of helicopter fans plays a vital role in managing critical factors such as temperature and air quality, especially in animal housing environments, which directly affects animal productivity. High temperatures and poor air circulation can lead to increased stress levels, reduced nutrient intake and poor overall health. These conditions lead to reductions in key productivity indicators such as milk yield, growth rate and reproductive ability.

Helicopter fans improve the quality of life of animals by effectively cooling large areas and dispersing pollutants in the air, such as harmful ammonia gas. This improvement manifests itself in reduced stress, increased nutrient intake and improved overall health conditions, leading to a significant increase in animal productivity. As a result, the improved air circulation and cooling provided by helicopter fans allows animals to be healthier, happier and more productive, which has economic benefits for farms and animal production facilities.

Where to buy a helicopter fan?

There are many companies selling products in this field. As Remairfan, we make and sell helicopter fan applications for barn ventilation systems. You should be sure of the quality of the products you will buy for your ventilation needs and you should also order from a relevant company. In this process, it is vital to find companies that will help you, make suggestions and sell products with sufficient features. For more details and offers, you can contact us via our contact page.

In conclusion, helicopter fans are extremely important for the health and productivity of animals. In addition, if the area where the animals are located is above normal temperatures, you definitely need such applications. Otherwise, the animal may become stressed and exhibit undesirable behaviors. 
