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Newborn calf diseases are examined in different categories. These diseases, which threaten animal health, also bring economic losses. The most common diseases are diarrhea, respiratory diseases, septicemia and coccidiosis.

Diarrhea is among the most common newborn calf diseases. Diarrhea caused by certain bacteria also occurs after inappropriate feeding conditions. In other words, diarrhea caused by damp, dirty and cold environments can manifest itself with weakness, watery stools and sudden death. Treatment includes special vaccinations and hygienic conditions. Similarly, respiratory diseases are caused by various infections and toxins in the environment - high levels of dust. Respiratory diseases are characterized by wheezing, fever and coughing. Special vaccinations are required and hygienic housing conditions must be observed.


Septicemia, one of the diseases of newborn calves, is a disease characterized by blood poisoning observed in the first days after birth. Caused by dirty and cold environments and malnutrition, this disease manifests itself with high fever, sudden death and rapid breathing. Septicemia serum is administered in its treatment and regular veterinary control is important. Finally, Coccidiosis, which is frequently observed in young calves, also occurs in unhygienic conditions. Antibiotic treatment and regular vaccination are very important for this disease, which manifests itself with symptoms of weakness and diarrhea.

How Does Newborn Calf Respiratory Distress Pass?

Newborn calf respiratory distress can be observed through two different infections. Some precautions should be taken for respiratory problems caused by bacterial and viral infections. First of all, if we look at viral infections;

  • Parainfluenza
  • BRSV infection
  • Rhinovirus infection
  • Coronavirus
  • BVD (bovine virus diarrhea)

Viral infections, which are usually transmitted by airborne water droplets, are exacerbated during epidemics due to climatic conditions. In addition, the emergence of BRSV, one of the most important infections, can have very serious consequences.


When bacterial infections are listed;

  • Tuberculosis
  • Salmonella infection
  • Bronchopneumonia
  • It is a Pastorella infection.

Research has proven that vaccination measures are very important. Vaccination, which is applied in two different ways as active and passive immunization, aims to ensure the welfare of the newborn calf. On the other hand, diseases can be controlled with therapeutic applications, but it is not enough. The most important situation for newborn calves is to provide hygiene, care, stall climate and housing conditions.

The immunization process is applied in two different ways: active and passive. Passive immunization can be done by intramuscular infection of the calf. However, the most important point is that there must be antibodies created by the parent animal. To enhance the natural immunization, which comes from a fast and high supply of colostrum, you need to provide some products. In addition, in the early stages of the calf's life, additional medication may be necessary.


In the active immunization process, attenuated vaccines, especially inactivated vaccines, can be used. When these vaccines are used, antibodies will be created by the animal itself. With better results, vaccines can also eliminate side effects such as loss of appetite and fever.


There are also measures that can be taken to relieve respiratory distress in newborn calves. These are

  • Hygienic environment: The environment in which the calf lives must always be hygienic. This minimizes the risk of infection. This also keeps dust and ammonia levels low.
  • Holding upside down: This method can be applied to a wheezing calf. For up to 2 minutes it is recommended to hold the calf's head down. This allows the fluids in the lungs to come out.
  • Respiratory analeptics: These medicines aim to open the airways.
  • Expectorant: If the newborn calf wheezes, an expectorant can be used. Again, it has an important place in the removal of fluid in the lungs.
  • Vaccination: Newborn calves must be vaccinated against infectious diseases. This process is important both before and after birth and is effective in preventing respiratory diseases.

Ensuring the hygienic conditions of the newborn calf during birth is actually the most important process. However, the navel should be disinfected quickly after birth. These methods we have listed can support the relief of respiratory problems in newborn calves. In serious cases, veterinary support should be requested quickly.

Which vaccine is given to a newborn calf?

In order for the newborn calf to step into a healthy growth process, it should be subjected to a number of vaccination practices after birth. These vaccines and their intended use are listed as follows.

  • Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine: It is done for 2-week-old calves. This vaccine, which is applied to calves born to unvaccinated mothers, should be administered again after 1 month. It is necessary to be careful against complications that may develop after the foot-and-mouth vaccine administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
  • Corona and Rota Vaccine: These vaccines for pregnant cows are administered 2 or 6 weeks before birth. Corona and Rota virus vaccines, which are preferred as mixed vaccines, ensure that antibodies are passed to the calf before birth. In this way, measures are taken against diarrhea diseases.
  • E. Coli Vaccine: This vaccine is also administered to pregnant cows 2-6 weeks before birth. Thanks to this vaccine, which provides antibodies, the newborn calf is protected from many diseases.
  • Septicemia Serum: The newborn calf is given septicemia serum in the first few hours. This serum, which helps to strengthen the immune system, will also protect the newborn calf against some diseases.

How to Treat Newborn Calf Diarrhea?


Diarrhea, which is extremely risky for newborn calves, is an issue that needs attention. It can be said that this disease in the early period is actually related to other health problems. Diarrhea, which is more common in calves that have not yet been weaned, can lead to early deaths. When early diagnosis and treatment is not applied, it can bring serious costs.


If we look at the causes of newborn calf diarrhea;

  • Difficulties during the birth process
  • Stressful living environment
  • Occurring after the 7th month of pregnancy
  • The calf does not consume enough mouth milk
  • Dietary irregularity
  • Newborn calf living together with adult animals
  • Excessive heat, extreme cold, crowded, damp and dirty shelters.

The most important symptoms of newborn calf diarrhea, which can bring negative consequences, are as follows;

  • Observation of blood in the stool
  • Difficulty standing or standing up
  • Experiencing symptoms of malaise
  • Eyes appear sunken
  • Loss of appetite

First of all, the necessary hygiene conditions must be ensured for diarrhea to disappear. In addition, the calf, which should be fed with appropriate breast milk, should be included in vaccination programs under veterinary control. Rehydration, antibiotics and medications and immune supportive practices can be used as treatment methods.

  • Medicines and Antibiotics: Medicines and antibiotics should be used for diarrhea caused by bacterial infections. Apart from these medicines recommended by the veterinarian, antibiotics with antidiarrheal spectrum are also important.
  • Rehydration: Fluid loss after diarrhea can reach serious levels. Therefore, it is essential to ensure the calf's fluid balance. Rehydration treatment can be started and diarrhea can be controlled with special solutions.
  • Supporting Applications: Some practices that support immunity can be used to prevent diarrhea. Serums, mineral and vitamin supplements are among these applications.

Why Does a Newborn Calf Die?


Newborn calf death develops due to multiple factors. The risk of developing diseases after the newborn calf, whose nutrition and care process is very important, is very high. In general, death occurs with bacterial infection and some diseases. For example, the mortality rate of newborn calves in an enterprise can reach up to 80% due to these reasons. Calves that do not die may lose their breeding properties.

Factors that cause calves to get sick frequently can be listed as the vaccination status of the mother, breed, nutrition and care. In addition, the climatic characteristics of the region and the general condition of the farms are also directly effective on the health of the newborn calf. Cows exposed to unbalanced nutrition experience a very difficult birth process. This results in the death of the newborn calf. In addition, feeding the animal with oat or corn stalks, rough alfalfa and sugar beet close to the birth may also cause the calf to be thrown.


In general, there are two answers to the question of why a newborn calf is sick. Necessary measures should be taken for these conditions, which are listed as pathogens and predisposing factors. Pathogens refer to bacteria, viruses and parasites. Predisposing factors are inadequate nutrition, environmental conditions, colostrum deficiency and failure in the absorption of antibodies.

  • Bacterial infections: Harmful bacterial infections such as E. coli can occur within a few days after birth. These infections can cause developmental delay and sudden death and can also lead to serious blood poisoning.
  • Mother's health conditions: Among these factors that directly affect the health of the calf, the vaccination status, general health and nutrition of the mother are important. Because these conditions will determine the calf's immunity immediately after birth.
  • Birth problems: It can be common for a calf to die during birth. Premature rupture of the umbilical cord or separation of the baby membranes are among the causes of newborn calf death.
  • Environmental factors: The death of newborn calves from diseases is actually related to unhygienic environments. Damp and cold barns, poorly ventilated shelters constitute environmental factors.
  • Genetic factors: Some breeds have a higher risk of death. The calf's health may deteriorate due to genetic factors or difficult births may occur.

How to Ventilate the Barn with a Newborn Calf?


A number of ventilation methods should be used in barns with newborn calves. It is vital for all the animals in the barn to use helicopter fan systems instead of natural ventilation systems. They prevent the accumulation of harmful gases in the barn, which is really important for the health and productivity of the animals. In addition, mechanical ventilation systems should be preferred, as they bring a cleaner air flow.

Natural ventilation is a must in a barn. Because curtain and window systems are used when designing barns. In this way, air flow is increased and indoor air is constantly refreshed. However, it is obvious that natural ventilation is insufficient today. At this point, it is necessary to resort to helicopter fan ventilation applications, which are mechanical systems. These fans, which allow dirty air to be expelled, are important for the fresh air to enter in a healthy way.


In the barn environment, the air needs to be changed at least 6 or 8 times per hour. These numbers are important to meet the amount of fresh air an animal needs. It is therefore necessary to use appropriate options in the ventilation system. Fans, which provide a significant flow of air in the barn, remove moisture from the environment and increase air circulation. These applications, which also reduce heat stress, are preferred as standard today, especially in cattle breeding.

Helicopter fans that should be used in barns bring many advantages. These applications, which provide effective air circulation, energy efficiency and advantages in floor drying, also reduce heat stress. They also provide long-lasting use due to their production quality.

  • Resilience: Helicopter fans made of stainless and durable materials can be used for many years. This significantly reduces the cost and ensures efficient operation.
  • Temperature Stress: During hot summer periods, the body temperature of animals rises. This negatively affects milk yield and feed consumption. Helicopter fans reduce stress and increase productivity at this point.
  • Floor Drying: Fans allow the floor to dry quickly. This advantage is especially important for preventing diseases that can occur in humid environments.
  • Productivity: Low energy helicopter fan systems reduce energy costs.
  • Air Circulation: Thanks to its high rotation speed and wide wing structures, it moves the air significantly. This ensures a continuous flow of fresh air in the environment. It supports the comfort of animals, especially in hot weather conditions.