
Milking parlor dimensions are calculated depending on the number of animals to be housed. Different alternatives can be used in the process of capacity and number of milking stalls. It is also important that the milking parlors provide continuous and quality service. It is useful to make the right decision about milking parlor management by looking at the growth regime and the capacity of the farm.


Milking parlors, which are special facilities used for milk production, ensure that milking is completed hygienically and efficiently. Although it is mostly found in cattle breeding enterprises, it includes applications that can be milked by machine or manually.


While preparing the dimensions of the milking parlor, factors such as capacity planning, time and labor force as well as comfort and hygiene should be taken into consideration. The latest technologies are utilized in these areas, which have an important place in the livestock sector. In addition, automatic milk measurement systems are also used to make the milking process hygienic and more efficient.

How should the milking parlor be?

There are many criteria to be considered in the milking parlor planning and design process. These are

  • Rubber floors should be preferred for milking exit paths and waiting area
  • Milking machinery or equipment must be suitable for milk and udder health
  • Milking machines should maximize milk quality
  • Planning should be done with future expansion plans in mindPlanning should be done with future expansion plans in mind
  • The required labor force must be calculated correctly

The following factors are important in milking parlor design;

  • Milking machines must be installed correctly and maintained regularly
  • Massage the udder area for about half a minute after milking
  • Milking time per cow should be planned to average up to 10 minutes per day

On the other hand, attention should also be paid to the process of milking parlor performance measurement and audit. At this stage, the efficiency of the milking parlor should be increased and it should be ensured that the machines do not technically impair milk and udder health. In addition, factors such as milking quality, milking duration, milk quality and yield should be monitored regularly.


If we continue with the answers to the question of how the milking parlor should be, the following criteria should be followed in the design phase;

  • Number of people to work in the milking parlor
  • Work routine to follow
  • If there is a special milking group, what the milking time will be
  • How many times a day to milk
  • How many animals will be milked per day

When making a general evaluation of the milking parlor, the condition of the milking facilities must be checked. In other words, the roof and structure must be sound. It should also be kept in mind that a dark milking parlor can bring negative results. A bright milking parlor will facilitate the milking process and speed up the entry and exit of the cows. At this stage, the milking pit should not be shallow. Because shallow pits cause the milking person to bend down and may bring serious pain after a while.


Milking parlors should be easy to enter and exit. U-turns and sharp corners should be avoided and there should be no bumpy places or pits. Likewise, the milking parlor floor should be non-slip, clean and dry.


When talking about milking parlor floors, first of all, animals should feel themselves in a natural pasture environment. In this way, while milking stress decreases, it speeds up entering the waiting room. Thanks to rubber floors, these features can be achieved in a short time. It should not be forgotten that animals will walk more balanced on rubber floors. In other words, while there is no risk of slipping during walking, injuries as a result of falling are minimized.


The milking parlor floor positively affects the hoof health of animals. In this way, health problems can be prevented by using first the outer and then the inner nails. It is also important that these floors do not require maintenance. In other words, it is sufficient to use hot water and detergent for the residues seen on the upper surface of the milking parlor floors that are easy to clean. It would also make sense to use pressurized water during the cleaning process.


If we list the advantages of rubber floor in the milking parlor

  • The structure of rubber floors is flexible. This reduces hoof wear and supports natural gait patterns at all times.
  • The risk of falling and slipping on these floors is very low. Because they are produced with surfaces with high slip resistance.
  • Bacteria cannot grow on rubber floors.
  • Reducing milking stress, rubber floors accelerate the entry of animals into the milking area.

Epoxy floors can also be preferred as an alternative to rubber floors. These floors include criteria such as water resistance, non-slip surface and durability. While it shows a serious resistance to chemical substances, it is resistant to any abrasion. As such, the floors can be used in the long term. Waterproof epoxy floors prevent the leakage of liquids that may occur on the upper surface. In this way, it continues to provide a hygienic environment. Finally, it is produced as a non-slip surface to increase the safety of animals.


The last answer to the question of what a milking parlor should look like is for the management phase. In this context, there should be a separate access road from any cow road for easy access of milk trucks. This process is actually applied to prevent contamination of milk trucks due to manure. Other situations

  • The milking parlor building should be located in the current wind direction.
  • The number of units needed for fast and successful milking should be calculated and necessary actions should be taken.
  • The milking sequence should start with the young animals and then progress to the older ones.

How Many KW Should a Milking Unit Be?

Milking unit motor power generally varies between 0.55 - 1.5 KW. So these are the most preferred KW ratios. Some prominent milking motor manufacturers also produce single-phase milking units from 0.55 KW to 1.5 KW and operating at 1500 revolutions per minute.


According to a study conducted on this subject, energy consumption per unit in milking processes was found to be 0.0143 kWh/kg. Naturally, this value shows that the milking unit motor power should be at the rate we share. The power of these motors actually varies according to the number of cows to be milked, the general characteristics of the milking systems and the milking speed. Businesses should take action by determining the right motor power in accordance with their needs.

How Long is the Milking Time?

Milking time varies according to the general condition of the animal and the type of animal being milked. Normal milking time for dairy cows varies between 5 and 7 minutes depending on milking flow rate and milk yield. Although over-milking is not recommended during the process, the milking heads should be removed within 30 seconds at most when the milk flow decreases.


The recommended milking time for breast milk is 20 minutes at most. While it is generally recommended to express every 3 hours, these times vary according to the condition of the mother.


Some situations can prolong the milking time. These are listed as follows.

  • Unsuitable nipple nozzles: If the teats used during milking are not suitable for the mother, it prolongs the milking time. It also causes discomfort and pain during milking.
  • Lack of machine cleaning: The milking machine must be cleaned at certain intervals. Due to improper cleaning, milk stones will accumulate in the seals, milking cluster and teat cup. This prolongs the milking time.
  • Incorrect adjustment of machine parts: Aging or incorrect adjustment of the parts of the milking machine can cause serious problems with the udder. In addition, the aging of gaskets, udder tires and short - long vacuum hoses naturally prolongs the milking time.
  • Lack of stimulation of the breast and nipples: The sound of the milking machine, not drying the teats after washing and placing feed in front of the cow to be milked cause the milking time to be prolonged. Milking should start after these warnings are made.

There are also some animal health problems that cause prolonged milking time. These are;

  • Heat stress: Dairy cows may be exposed to heat stress during hot summer periods. This situation, which also negatively affects general health, causes both prolonged milking time and a decrease in milk yield. In addition, heat stress, which weakens the immune system, can also invite foot diseases.
  • Mastitis: Mastitis refers to inflammation of the udder tissue in cows. It causes pain during milking and also reduces milk flow. Animals with mastitis are also very difficult to milk.
  • Low milk yield: Lack of nutrition and health problems are interrelated. Precautions should always be taken against animal diseases that affect milk yield.
  • Breast sores and infections: Some cows may have infections and benefits on their teats. These conditions cause severe pain during milking. Care should be taken against these factors that cause stress to animals during milking.

The symptoms of these problems that cause prolonged milking time are as follows;

  • Mastitis: It starts with hardness in the breast. Symptoms continue with redness and heat. There is a decrease in milk flow and animals feel pain during milking.
  • Heat stress: Animals show signs of excessive sweating during this period. The respiratory rate also increases. Excessive mobility and restlessness begin, while feed consumption decreases. Heat stress also causes a desire to stand for long periods of time.
  • Low milk yield: It is characterized by low energy. There is general weakness. There is a noticeable decrease in the daily milk supply.
  • Wounds and infections: Inflammation or swelling is observed around the nipple. Bleeding and sores can also be seen on the nipple.

What are Milking Systems?

Milking systems is a term that refers to different technologies and machines. Its sole purpose is to provide efficient, fast and hygienic milking. The main types and descriptions of milking systems are listed as follows;

  • Automatic milking systems: Automatic milking systems use robotic technology. In this process, a continuous vacuum is applied inside the teat cup, creating a resistant pressure differential across the milk duct.
  • Portable milking systems: These machines are generally preferred in small enterprises. They are easy to transport because they are wheeled. The structure is simple.
  • Stationary milking systems: In stationary milking systems used by large enterprises, milking is done through a centralized system. It works with vacuum lines and in this way, the milk is collected together with the pipelines in the shelter and sent to the milk tanks.

There are some components of milking machines. These are

  • Milking heads: They are attached to the udders of cows and are responsible for collecting milk.
  • Pulsator: It is used to make milking more practical and works by mimicking the sucking motion.
  • Vacuum hoses: It allows milk to be easily delivered to the machines.
  • Engine: It is the power supply that ensures the smooth operation of milking machines.
  • Vacuum pump: It is responsible for producing the vacuum needed for milking.

Milking systems may differ for ovine and bovine animals. Special machines have been produced today according to udder sizes and types. These technologies provide hygienic milk production while protecting the health of animals.


There are also some differences between portable and fixed milking systems. If we list them;

  • Portable machines have high mobility. They are used in different areas within the farm.
  • Portable systems have a small capacity. It allows milking fewer cows at a time.
  • Portable systems are simpler to use.
  • Stationary milking machines work by being installed in a certain area.
  • Stationary systems are used in large enterprises.
  • Stationary milking systems are more efficient and operate at high capacity.

How Do Animals Produce Milk Efficiently?

The ability of animals to produce milk efficiently is actually possible when many factors come together. When all of these factors come together, such as favorable environmental conditions, proper nutrition, hygiene and general health, successful milk production can be achieved.


A balanced and healthy nutrition program should be prepared during the productive milking process of cows. It should be supported with programs containing vitamins, energy, sufficient protein, high quality feeds and minerals. In addition, specially formulated milk feeds should be used to increase milk yield.


The health status of the animals should be monitored regularly. Milk yields should be increased by taking necessary measures. Infections, diseases or parasite problems directly affect milk production. Therefore, regular veterinary control and vaccinations should be done.


The nutritional needs of cows increase during lactation. Therefore, attention should be paid to regular milking intervals and appropriate feeding programs. Managing the process correctly greatly increases the quality of yield.


It should not be forgotten that cows are social creatures. Therefore, it is very important that their social needs are met and, most importantly, that they are kept in groups. In addition, they should have access to cold and clean water at all times. Water is critical for high milk production. In other words, milk yield may be low in cows with insufficient water.


Apart from these factors, milk yield of cows varies depending on different factors. The things to be considered are as follows;

  • Live weight of cows is an important factor on milk yield. Milk productivity is high in a healthy fed cow. Regular care and natural feed consumption also support this process.
  • Milk yield decreases during pregnancy. However, since the yield will increase after pregnancy, the necessary balance should be established.
  • Milk yield varies depending on age. Although the milk yield of young cows is low during lactation period, it increases over time.
  • The milk yield of cows, which are rapidly affected by temperature changes, will decrease during this period. Because in a very hot shelter, the desire to consume feed decreases. In this case, milk yield is negatively affected.
  • The nutrition program of cows, whose digestive system is extremely sensitive, should be balanced. Milk yield will be high in cows fed with feeds with high energy and protein value.
  • Housing conditions must be provided. Comfortable and clean bedding areas and sufficient space for movement directly reduce stress levels and increase milk yield.

It is very important that the area where the animals are housed is comfortable, hygienic and has all the appropriate conditions. Perhaps the most important of these factors, which are of great importance in milk yield, is the provision of appropriate ventilation conditions. Thanks to ventilation systems that should be preferred in cow shelters, dry and hot air is eliminated. In addition, since the temperature will be under control, the rate of fresh air will increase.

ahır havalandırma sistemleri remairfan

Ventilation systems cover a wide area. In other words, it is extremely effective in terms of functioning. Helicopter fans should generally be preferred among these systems that allow the floors to dry in a short time thanks to their fast drying feature. It should not be forgotten that ventilation systems with multiple application areas are extremely successful in livestock, sheep, goats and milking cow shelters.


These systems consume less electricity and reduce temperature stress in the barn. This allows cows to live in a happier environment and increases milk yield. Although it has an impact area up to 20 meters, it successfully provides air circulation. In other words, it delivers fresh air directly to the animals and supports healthy air breathing.
