Hollanda İnekleri

Dutch cows, known as dairy cows in Turkey, are defined as the Holstein breed. The Frisian region of the Netherlands and the Holstein province of Germany are considered to be the homeland of the breed. The Dutch cows, which occupy a significant place today in the form of black and white harlequins, are also widely seen in our country. Holstein cows in the Netherlands are consumed a lot because they have a meaty structure. Since the structure of this breed varies according to the region where it is located, it is raised as a dairy breed in some geographies and as a meat breed in others.


The Holstein breed is now widespread in many parts of the world. Dutch cows, which spread all over the world from the Netherlands and Northern Germany, are also bred in countries such as England, America and Canada. Dutch cows, which are known to be raised in every region of our country, are mostly found in coastal regions. The Mediterranean, Marmara and Aegean regions are the most important regions in our country where Holstein breed cows are raised. This breed, which is extremely successful in terms of milk yield, has managed to be accepted worldwide.


What is a Dutch Cow Called?


Dutch cows are called Black Pied or Holstein. Named after the Frisian region and Holstein province of the Netherlands, where the cattle breed is considered to have originated, Black Pieds are one of the most preferred dairy breeds worldwide.


How Many Kilograms of Milk Does a Dutch Breed Cow Give?


Dutch breed cows used for fattening and milk have high milk yield. Since they are among the most profitable cow breeds, they are a subject of curiosity for investors and anyone involved in dairy farming. First of all, milk yield in cows varies depending on more than one factor. The geography, care, genetic factors and many other situations directly affect milk yield. In addition to these, dry periods, number of milkings per day, lactation period, environmental temperature, nutrition, exercise, diseases and calving season also affect milk yield.


Milk yields average between 5,000 and 7,000 liters per lactation. This figure can reach up to 10,000 liters in breeding Dutch cows. It is known that these breeds, which are dairy-oriented breeds due to their high milk yield, can give up to 20 liters of milk per day when good care conditions are provided.


A good barn environment is also very important for Dutch cows to be more productive. It is very important that the barn is well ventilated, spacious and that helicopter fan systems are used when natural ventilation is not sufficient. These animals are very stressed in hot weather and this can greatly reduce their productivity.

Characteristics of Dutch Cows


Before moving on to the characteristics of Holstein cows, it is necessary to have information about the principles of nutrition. Efficient feeding of Holstein breed cows means getting high milk yield. In this context, when we look at their water consumption, it should not be forgotten that they consume up to 60 kilograms of water per day. In milk production, they should consume at least 3 liters of water for every 1 liter of milk. Feed selection is also important along with water consumption. Green feed and dry feed consumption is at the forefront in Dutch cows that need to use quality feed. Among green feeds, plants such as Hungarian vetch, sainfoin and clover should be preferred. As for dry feeds, options such as concentrated feeds, silage and hay should be included in the diet.


In order to increase the milk yield of Dutch cows, the mineral, energy and protein content of the feed should be kept in balance. In feeding strategies, two methods such as free feeding and mixed feeding should be used. Mixed feeding is a method used by increasing the nutritional value by mixing different feeds. Free feeding is a system that allows this breed to consume feed at any time. Finally, special feeding methods will also increase milk yield. It is important to prepare balanced rations for these cows, which can be crossbred with Jersey breed cows in order to increase the milk fat ratio. In addition, milk yield can be increased with mineral and vitamin supplements.


When we look at the physical characteristics of Dutch breed cows;


  • Both males and females have horns.
  • They are red and white or black and white.
  • Cidago height varies between 140 and 150 mm.
  • The average live weight is between 600 and 1000 kilograms. Males can weigh 800-1000 kg and females 600-750 kg.


The general habitat of Dutch cows is a matter of curiosity. This type of cow, which is bred in many regions, is generally productive in warm climates. This breed, which is widely grown in the coastal regions of our country, adapts to the hot climate in a short time. It is possible to say that it is not resistant to cold climates.


It is important to provide shelter conditions to ensure that Holstein cows live productive and healthy lives. In this process, the ideal ambient temperature should be between +10 and +15 degrees, while the temperature inside the shelter should be kept between +5 and +21 degrees. The humidity level of the shelter should reach up to 80% at most. There must be a quality ventilation system in the shelters. In this way, diseases such as foot and mastitis are prevented. When we look at the living spaces, at least 70 cm of feeding area should be prepared for each cow.


Attention should be paid to the type of feed and pasture areas of Dutch breed cows. While quality feeds should be preferred, artificial meadows can be used for curiosity. However, artificial pastures and meadows should be areas where forage plants are grown. In this way, some costs are reduced while meeting the nutritional needs.


The most ideal soil types for Holstein cows are loamy and clay soils. Clay soils have a high water retention capacity and allow forage crops to grow more easily. Clay soils are also important because they retain nutrients well. Loamy soils are the type of soil that can hold air and water well. It is important for fodder crops. Since pastures are also natural grazing areas for Dutch breed cows, the presence of rich grass species ensures a healthy diet.


How Dutch Cows Become More Productive?


In order to increase the productivity of Dutch cows, it is necessary to provide suitable housing conditions. In this context, it should not be forgotten that ventilation is the most important factor. In every environment where barn ventilation systems are used, maximum efficiency is obtained from all living things. Especially helicopter fan ventilation systems allow Dutch cows to live in a clean and stress-free environment as they provide air circulation in the area.


Helicopter fans have a number of features. First of all, the use of these fans in barns ensures high air flow. Helicopter fans, which have a wide blade structure, move a significant amount of air, so the air in the barn always stays fresh. These fans, which should be preferred because they consume less energy, also reduce operating costs. During the summer periods, it allows the barn floors to be dried in a very short time and allows the cows to spend time in a more sterile environment.


Cows can suffer from heat stress during the summer months. However, helicopter fans reduce stress levels and increase the comfort and welfare of the animals. By removing humid air, these systems also prevent the growth of bacteria and viruses. A quality ventilation system also has a positive effect on the overall health of the cows. Because keeping the air flow balanced throughout the day reduces stress levels and directly increases milk yield.


In conclusion, the use of helicopter ventilation systems for Dutch cows provides temperature control while improving air quality. These systems, which are preferred in modern farms, are among the first choices of smaller enterprises. In this way, while increasing the comfort of the animals, many health problems are also prevented. Because continuous ventilation of the environment eliminates bacteria that can be transmitted from the floor and air. These processes apply to all barn animals, especially Dutch cows.
