Ahır Sıcaklığı Kaç Derece Olmalı

La température des étables a une grande influence sur la santé et la productivité des animaux. En particulier pour les bovins d'engraissement, le maintien de conditions climatiques optimales dans l'étable permet de réduire le stress des animaux et d'augmenter les performances d'engraissement. Dans ce contexte, la température du bâtiment d'élevage doit être adaptée aux besoins biologiques et physiologiques du bétail.

Selon les experts, la température idéale pour l'engraissement des bovins se situe généralement entre -10 et +20 degrés Celsius. Cette fourchette de température offre des conditions favorables pour que le bétail vive confortablement et sainement. Il est également souligné que des températures aussi basses que -30 degrés Celsius ne posent généralement pas de problème, mais que l'humidité doit être maintenue à 60-70 %. La gestion correcte de la température et de l'humidité dans le bâtiment d'élevage est essentielle pour le bien-être des animaux.

Why is the temperature of the barn important?

The importance of barn temperature is directly related to animal welfare and productivity. Maintaining ideal temperature conditions minimizes the stress levels of fattening cattle while maximizing their health status and nutritional efficiency. Temperature is a key factor affecting the metabolic rate, feed intake and therefore growth rate of animals.

Inadequate heating of the barn, especially in cold weather conditions, can cause animals to expend more energy to maintain body temperature, leading to an increase in feed intake. This can have negative consequences such as prolonged fattening period and increased costs.

On the other hand, extreme heat and high humidity can also negatively affect the health of animals. Heat stress can reduce feed intake, lower growth rates and negatively affect reproductive performance. Furthermore, high temperature and humidity can create favorable conditions for the growth of microorganisms and parasites, increasing the risk of disease spread. Therefore, careful management of barn temperature and humidity is vital for healthy and efficient animal husbandry.

How to Ventilate a Barn?

Barn ventilation systems are critical for maintaining air quality and optimal temperature and humidity levels inside the barn. These systems are indispensable for the health and comfort of animals, especially in large livestock farms. Among ventilation systems, helicopter-type fans helicopter-type fans stand out, offering high air exchange rates and energy efficiency.

Thanks to their wide blades, these fans are able to move a high volume of air even at low speeds, thus effectively circulating air throughout the barn. The use of helicopter fans offers great advantages in maintaining the temperature and humidity balance inside the barn, especially in hot summer months and high humidity conditions.

Helicopter type fans are usually installed on the roof or walls of the barn. These fans can be equipped with speed control systems that can be adjusted according to the ventilation needs, thus ensuring proper air circulation according to different weather conditions and the density of animals in the barn. Helicopter fans not only exhaust hot air and humidity, but also facilitate the intake of fresh air into the barn.

This prevents the accumulation of ammonia and other harmful gases, improves the air quality that animals breathe and creates ideal conditions for overall animal health and welfare. The use of helicopter fans is an effective and efficient option for ventilation solutions in modern barn management.

By paying attention to such ventilation systems, animal productivity can be optimized. It is extremely important to pay attention to such situations, especially in the summer months. The stresses experienced by animals can cause very negative situations in the future.
